Sunday, January 31, 2010

on digging graves:

i'm terribly sorry

but i'm fresh out of marble.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

this fire's been drinking and driving

Friday, January 15, 2010

summer 2009

you hate having your picture taken
and i like that about you
so i'll bring the camera
and we'll develop our tragedies together
in a dark room we call 'the last seven years'

laced with innocent nights spent on your bed
and arguments some serious, some less severe,
these prints will show your eyes and nose
so hardly insincere.

let's go back to that place once more
where we used to take time while
your mother patched my clothes and we
made hours last doing only Lord knows.

black and white semi shiny squares
depressing and somber and grayish in tone-
i'll snap some keepsakes of us together
before we both die alone.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

tom loves life
august, 2006
forest lake, minnesota