Tuesday, July 14, 2009

the man from the cable channel show

i loaded a truck for a 
little asian man
today. he was wearing a
golf club company
baseball cap.

i don't think
he played golf.

he bought a whole mess of
fruits and vegetables to sell at
the saint
paul farmer's market (a place 
where actual farmers go to sell things
they actually grew) and he was all excited
because "the man 
from the cable channel show" was 
going to be there
trying out various
homegrown produce.

"you know the man
from the cable channel show?"

"...uhh, no. i don't really
watch television."

"he go all over the world
and try food on his 


he was further
very excited
because he had managed 
to purchase from us
a pallet of
which we received by mistake and
i am almost positive had some amount
of genetic alterations performed
on them
to bring them to the 
current, dual-fruit status they
were in
since God, in all His 
goodness and wisdom
decided not to give us
at the get go.

He gave us mangos
He gave us necatarines.
we had to get
all curious and somehow
put them together


the little asian man (who laughed
rabidly after any and everything
he said -

"you close the 
door? hahahaha"

"you have bill? i have so
many bill. hahahaha"

from cable channel
show coming. hahahaha"

"we stack this pallet on
here. hahahaha"

was all jazzed up 
about these
he said he was going to
"big sign!" and maybe
the man 
from the cable channel show
would try them (as if they were
something hand-grown here, 
in the ever tropical midwest)
and he would be on television.
how. exciting. 

well, i finished loading his
hobbit hole of a truck (crouching
down every time i 
drove in with a pallet) and
the little guy drove off, 
cackling like a hyena
no doubt. 

i thought to myself
that the man
from the cable channel show 
would probably never get
anywhere near
my easily amused
poor guy. 

oh, and
i hate saint paul. 


  1. hahaha! well at least you weren't bored at work.

  2. finished what matters most is how well you walk through the fire (bukowski) and thought of you. and that you should read it. and send me more sauce of the musical assent. tidings.
